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Hedge Maintenance

Crown Reductions

By reducing the height/width (spread) of either the whole crown (canopy) or over extended limbs and unbalanced areas of the canopy.  Where is best possible, we recommend that no more than 20-30% of the trees overall crown volume is reduced.  Some species are hardier than others and can be reduced slightly more, i.e. Conifers, which can be identified upon site visits.

Where possible it is best practice to prune branches back to branch junctions rather than “topping”, which will be completed in accordance with British Standard 3998.  This method of pruning allows the tree to heal & continue to grow as best as is possible, whilst leaving an aesthetically pleasing finish.

When discussing reductions, we will talk in meterage not percentages.  We find this a more accurate way to describe & discuss works for all concerned and is in accordance with modern legislation.  Reduction works are left balanced on completion & the entire crown is inspected whilst working.

Reasons the tree may need reducing can include:

That it has reached the required height and needs to be reduced to stop it outgrowing its space.

  • To shape either the whole crown or selecting specific areas to reshape to make the overall shape more aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

  • If the tree has grown too large for its location and outgrown the area, the whole canopy is reduced, to increase light and decrease the “wind sail” of the tree.  Potentially reducing larger limbs to decrease weight and mechanical stress.

As trees reach full maturity & eventually start dying off, some slowly start declining from the tips (crown retrenchment) and can be reduced back to remaining “live wood”.  Removing the deadwood and balancing the trees structure and effectively managing it through its decline.

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